Over the last fifteen to twenty years, the Suffolk Land Rover Owners Club has raised £100-120,000 for local Suffolk charities.
It has done this by giving off-road Land Rover rides at local County Shows. some of these shows have provided their own off-road course or obstacles, allowing us to drive through the country estates where the shows are located.

About fifteen years ago the Suffolk Agricultural Association let us build a fixed fenced off-road area at Trinity Park where the Suffolk Show is held. This allowed us to attend the annually held show and other shows to give safe off-road rides to members of the public attending.
As we are affiliated to the International Order of Professional Drivers (IOPD) this allows us to legally offer rides to the public in both road-legal vehicles and trailered non-road-legal buggies. It also offers protection to the owners of the land we are using.
At present we attend three annual shows where we offer off-road experiences to the public and a few smaller shows where we attend as a static display.